Authicles has spotlighted this chronicle
4 days ago
How to share a chronicle on Authicles.

A chronicle is publication (post) in the form of texts, media, files, polls, etc shared for your followers to interact with.

Write something in the text box next to your profile picture (Hello "Name," share an authentic chronicle...)

From left to right:

1. Upload an image (or photos)
2. Upload a video
3. Upload music or sound file
4. Upload a document (file)
5. Record a voice note
6. Create a poll (options for other creators to vote)
7. Embed a GIF (powered by Giphy)
8. Select an emoji (optional)

Tap (click) "Share" to post your update.

Want to post a status update that disappears after 24 hrs?

Tap the swift button: the blue plus icon (+) on you profile picture with the "Create..." label below it.

#authicles #authentic #chronicles #tutorials #publishing #chronicling
9 months ago (E)
Hello, Authiclers!

We hope this chronicle finds you well. We cherish your stay and the wonderful publications (chronicles) you're sharing with the community. This evening, we want to highlight a few minor changes to our community platform.

A user on our community platform is called "Authicler" (plural: Authiclers)

Our "Homepage" is a collection of all user publications with specified timestamps and we would like to call it "Chronicles" beginning now.

Our "Explore" page is now called "Discover" because Authiclers don't just explore on Authicles but discover other authentic people and relevant publications to interact with.

We hope these changes will contribute to a true reflection of what our community platform stands for, as we stay true to our mission of empowering authentic people like you to connect, discover, and share the things that matter most in life.

Until our next publication, we want to reassure you that we are with you, each step of the way. Happy chronicling!
9 months ago
Did you know?

An "authicler" (plural: authiclers) is an active member on Authicles with at least one chronicle.

A "chronicle" (plural: chronicles) is a publication (text, media, poll, etc) on the Authicles timeline.

A "timeline" (plural: timelines) is collection of publications with timestamps on a single page (feed).

Stay updated with further information; regards!

#authicles #didyouknow #dyk #authicler #chronicle #timeline #timestamp #asol

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